Volvo begins production of the EX90, electric successor to the XC90 SUV

Volvo recently announced the start of production of its new all-electric vehicle, the EX90, the long-awaited successor to the popular XC90 SUV. With a starting price set at $77,000, the EX90 positions Volvo competitively in the luxury electric SUV sector.

Technical characteristics

The EX90 promises an impressive range of 300 miles (around 480 kilometers) on a single charge, thanks to a 107 kWh battery. This significant battery capacity not only allows for long journeys without the need for frequent charging, but it also offers notable performance, reaching 0 to 60 mph in just 4.7 seconds.

Innovative Technology

One of the EX90’s strong points is its bi-directional charging capability. This technology allows the vehicle to not only recharge, but also return electricity to the home or grid, a valuable feature for energy management and emergency situations.

Sustainability and Ecology

In terms of sustainability, Volvo highlights its eco-friendly commitment by using wool-blend textiles and materials made from recycled plastic bottles for the EX90’s interior trim. This choice demonstrates the brand’s desire to reduce its carbon footprint and use responsible materials.

Launch and Availability

Mass production of the EX90 has started and the first deliveries are planned for early next year. With the EX90, Volvo takes a significant step towards a greener future and confirms its commitment to decarbonizing its models while offering ever more innovative and high-end vehicles.

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