Understanding the Resale of Solar Electricity for Individuals

With the rise in popularity of renewable energy, more and more individuals are turning to solar installations to supply their homes with clean electricity. But did you know that it is also possible to resell the excess electricity you produce? Here’s everything you need to know to get the most out of your solar installation.

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Regulated Purchase Prices

The resale of solar electricity is governed by regulated purchase prices, established by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). These prices are updated quarterly and are based on different installed power thresholds. For example, the rates for a 3 kW installation will not be the same as for a 100 kW installation.

Resale of Surplus: A Right for All

Contrary to some preconceived ideas, individuals have the right to resell their surplus electricity. The French State supports this process by asking “EDF OA” to purchase this surplus. To be eligible, your installation must meet certain criteria:

  • Work with an RGE certified installer.
  • Obtain a certificate of conformity.
  • Follow the connection procedures.

Eligibility Criteria

Any solar installation between 0 and 500 kW peak is eligible for the resale of surplus electricity. Individuals therefore do not have to worry about their ability to resell their surplus, as long as all procedures are done according to the rules.

Financial Aid Available

The self-consumption bonus is the main financial aid that individuals can benefit from. If you obtain this bonus, it means that your installation meets all the necessary criteria to resell your surplus electricity.

Evolution of Prices

Purchase prices may fluctuate based on demand and supply. In recent years, although rates have shown a downward trend, this has been offset by decreasing costs of solar panels and installations. Thus, the overall profitability of your investment remains stable.

Reliable Information Sources

For precise and up-to-date information, consult the CRE tariff orders, available on their website Open Data CRE. Sites like photovoltaic.info also offer extension resources to better understand solar energy regulations and opportunities.

Optimization of Self-Consumption

Self-consumption of your solar electricity is crucial to maximize your savings. Each kilowatt hour (kWh) consumed directly is one kWh less on your electricity bill. The resale of the surplus should be seen as a bonus, and not as the main source of income.


Installing solar panels at home is not only a gesture for the environment, but also an opportunity for savings and profits thanks to the resale of surplus electricity. By respecting the criteria and optimizing your self-consumption, you can take full advantage of the advantages offered by solar energy.

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