The first images of the Starlink Mini emerge on the web!

Technology has constantly evolved to offer us more and more advanced solutions, and the area of ​​Internet connectivity is no exception. One of the most mentioned names recently in this field is Starlink. This time Elon Musk and his team surprise us with a new version called Starlink MINI (REV MINI1_PROD2), equipped with integrated WiFi. In this article, we will explore this revolutionary innovation in detail.

Starlink MINI is a compact version of the Starlink Internet satellite system. This new version precisely measures 28.9×24.8 cm (or 11.4 inches x 9.8 inches). At first glance, its small dimensions seem to be one of its main advantages, but that’s just the beginning.

Built-in WiFi: What does this mean for you?

The fact that the Starlink MINI has a Built-in WiFi is a real breakthrough. But what does this mean for the average consumer? Simply put, it makes installation and use easier. No need to purchase or configure an external router; the device handles this for you. Here are some specific advantages:

  • Simplified Installation: No need for additional cables or complex setup.
  • Portability: The compact dimensions and lack of additional hardware make it an ideal option for traveling.
  • Reliability: Fewer components means fewer potential points of failure.

Comparison with Previous Versions

To fully understand the benefits of the Starlink MINI, it helps to compare it to previous Starlink versions. Early versions required a separate router for WiFi, and they were also bulkier. THE REV MINI1_PROD2 not only optimizes space but also simplifies the entire process.

Practical Applications

But what can a compact unit with integrated WiFi like the Starlink MINI be used for? Here are some examples of practical applications:

  • Rural or Isolated Area: For those living in remote areas where traditional internet services are weak or non-existent, Starlink MINI offers a viable solution.
  • Travelers: Globetrotters will be able to take this compact and lightweight unit anywhere, ensuring a reliable Internet connection no matter where they are.
  • Vacation Properties: Installing a Starlink MINI unit in a vacation home ensures that your guests will always have access to the Internet.


It is clear that the launch of Starlink MINI (REV MINI1_PROD2) with integrated WiFi represents a significant step forward. With its compact dimensions, ease of installation and increased reliability, it is poised to transform the way we access the Internet, especially in contexts where a stable connection is often difficult to obtain. And as Starlink continues to innovate, it’s exciting to think about what the future holds.

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