“The Embassy for Energy Transition is a sign of confidence,” says Armand Taïeb, President of Tesla Mag

In a global context marked by the urgency of climate change, a number of players are playing an essential role in accelerating the energy transition. The Embassy for Energy Transition, a project spearheaded by Armand Taïeb, President of Tesla Mag, aims to reinforce these efforts and create an international platform dedicated to sustainable solutions. In an exclusive interview, Armand Taïeb discusses the purpose of this initiative, as well as the great work already being done by key organizations such as Avere, ADEME, Mobilians and Bpifrance.

Embassy Ambition: Accelerating and Uniting Efforts

Right at the start of the interview, Armand Taïeb stresses the importance of coordinating efforts on an international scale: “The main objective of the Embassy for Energy Transition is to create a global network of players committed to accelerating the transition to clean energy. It is a platform where expertise and innovation converge to support governments and businesses in their actions.”

This project is designed to complement existing initiatives, such as those led by major players in France and Europe, who are doing exemplary work to advance the energy transition.

Avere: Leadership in Electric Mobility

The National Association for the Development of Electric Mobility (Avere-France) is one of the key players in this transformation. “Avere is doing a remarkable job in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles in France and Europe. Their role in supporting local authorities, businesses and private individuals is crucial to the democratization of this technology”, explains Armand Taïeb.

Avere is a key partner in all discussions concerning the extension of charging infrastructures and public policies to encourage the use of electric vehicles. Its technical and legislative expertise, combined with its partnerships with governments and private players, make it a cornerstone of sustainable mobility.

ADEME: a pillar of sustainable innovation

The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) plays a key role in supporting innovative projects linked to the energy transition. “ADEME plays a key role in financing and supporting research and development projects that are transforming the industry,” explains Armand Taïeb. Indeed, ADEME is active on many fronts: renewable energies, energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions and waste management.

It also provides technical and financial support to help companies develop low-carbon solutions. “The initiatives supported by ADEME show that innovation can be both sustainable and profitable – a crucial message for convincing manufacturers to change their business model,” adds Armand.

Mobilians: Electric Mobility Accelerator

When it comes to mobility, Mobilians (formerly CNPA) plays a fundamental role in supporting the automotive sector’s move towards a more sustainable offering. “Mobilians’ work is essential, particularly in training professionals and structuring the market for electric and hybrid vehicles,” comments Armand Taïeb.

Mobilians also works to facilitate the installation of charging stations, in collaboration with local authorities and private players. The organization represents a bridge between players in the traditional automotive market and new technologies, a key factor in the success of the energy transition.

Bpifrance: Financial Support for Innovative Projects

When it comes to financing, Bpifrance is a key player, particularly when it comes to supporting startups and SMEs in their sustainable innovation projects. “Bpifrance plays a central role in financing companies developing clean technologies. Thanks to their financing programs, many start-ups have been able to develop and offer disruptive solutions for energy and mobility,” asserts Armand Taïeb.

In particular, Bpifrance is behind the development of numerous research projects in the fields of batteries, solar panels and energy efficiency technologies. This support enables entrepreneurs to move from the idea stage to commercialization, accelerating the deployment of concrete solutions for the energy transition.

International Coordination Necessary

Armand Taïeb stresses the importance of coordination between these national players and the international initiatives that the Embassy for Energy Transition wishes to put in place. “These organizations are doing remarkable work, but we need a structure that ensures continuity of effort on a global scale. The Ambassade pour la Transition Énergétique will be there to play this role of international coordinator.”

In this sense, the Embassy positions itself as a catalyst, enabling local and national initiatives to have a global impact. It will support governments in implementing public policies, while creating partnerships with innovative companies and research institutes.

The Future of Embassies: A Network of Trust

The Embassy for Energy Transition project is in full swing, and Armand Taïeb is confident about what’s to come. “We’re in advanced discussions with a number of players, and we’ve already secured the support of strategic players. Institutions such as ADEME, Avere and Bpifrance will naturally be partners in this initiative, as we share the same objective: to make the energy transition accessible to all.”

The Ambassade pour la Transition Énergétique is not just an idea: it’s a concrete project, backed by solid players, which could well play a central role in our planet’s energy future. Drawing on the expertise of organizations such as Avere, ADEME, Mobilians and Bpifrance, it aims to create a global movement to make the energy transition a reality.

We need to go beyond ecological penalties

“The time has come to put an end to the ecological penalty. The challenges of the energy transition go far beyond ecology: they involve competitiveness, energy security and technological innovation. Even if electric power is by far less polluting than fossil-fuelled power, we must stop seeing this transformation as a constraint, but rather as an opportunity for a sustainable future”, concludes Armand Taïeb forcefully.


The Embassy for Energy Transition, spearheaded by Armand Taïeb and supported by key players such as Avere, ADEME, Mobilians and Bpifrance, embodies a clear vision of global cooperation to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy future. This ambitious project, already acclaimed by numerous institutions, could become the driving force behind a global energy revolution, where innovation, collaboration and sustainability are central priorities.

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