Tesla’s Quicksilver Paint for Model 3: A Splash of Colour Across Numerous Markets

Tesla enthusiasts and prospective buyers, rejoice! Tesla has confirmed that its highly-anticipated Quicksilver paint option for the Model 3 will soon be available in an expanded list of markets. This sparkling new hue has captured the imaginations of many potential owners and is now set to make a more global splash.

European Expansion

The Quicksilver paint option is seeing a significant rollout across Europe. A total of 23 countries in the region will now have access to this eye-catching colour. This includes car markets with a strong penchant for stylish and eco-friendly vehicles, such as Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and France. However, notable absences from the list include the UK and Ireland, which are yet to receive this new addition. Enthusiasts and potential buyers in these countries will need to wait a bit longer.

Available in Europe:

  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Spain
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Luxembourg
  • Norway
  • Austria
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Croatia
  • Turkey

Global Availability and Restrictions

Outside of Europe, the Quicksilver paint option will also be available in select markets across the Middle East, Asia/Pacific, North America, and South America. Specifically, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar in the Middle East will receive this option, while Israel will not. In the Asia/Pacific region, the paint will be available in China, Macau, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Australia, and Malaysia. Unfortunately for residents of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and New Zealand, the option is not yet available.

Available in Middle East:

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Qatar

Available in Asia/Pacific:

  • China
  • Macau
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • South Korea
  • Australia
  • Malaysia

North American markets have not been as fortunate. Tesla’s Quicksilver paint is currently not available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, or Puerto Rico. For South America, the option is notably absent as well, with Chile not having access to it at this time.

What This Means for Tesla Enthusiasts

The availability of new paint options like Quicksilver highlights Tesla’s commitment to expanding their customization options and catering to the aesthetic preferences of a global audience. This expansion could increase the desirability of the Model 3, one of Tesla’s most popular models, especially in markets where electric vehicle competition is fierce. Unfortunately, for the UK and other major markets left out, the wait continues.

Tesla owners in the UK are notably passionate about their vehicles, so this lack of availability might spur further demand and anticipation. It may also prompt questions about when other exclusive features and options will make their way to British shores.

Looking Ahead

Tesla’s continuous efforts to innovate and adapt to market demands are commendable. As more countries adopt and promote electric vehicles, features like the Quicksilver paint option can add a touch of personal style to the eco-friendly choice. While the current rollout doesn’t include several significant markets, it is only a matter of time before Tesla expands its offerings further.

For now, Tesla enthusiasts in the UK and beyond will have to wait and watch, hoping that the Quicksilver paint option, along with other unique features, will soon be available to them. Tesla’s future announcements could bring more exciting news for Model 3 fans, keeping the buzz alive in the electric vehicle community.

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