IONITY launches route planner (beta)

Recently, IONITY announced the availability of a new route planner in beta on their website. As social media ablaze with questions and opinions about this development, it is essential to ask whether this new tool could compete with well-established services.

What is the IONITY Route Planner?

A route planner is an online tool that allows users to easily plan their car journeys, taking into account charging points for electric vehicles (EVs). This type of tool is crucial for EV drivers to minimize the autonomy stresswhich is the fear of running out of battery before reaching a charging station.

IONITY, known for its network of high-power fast charging stations, has just introduced a route planner that promises big things. As a pioneer in highway fast charging, IONITY seeks to offer a complete solution for EV users.

Features of the IONITY Route Planner

Although this planner is still in beta, here are some of the key features it offers:

  • Visualization of charging stations : Users can view available IONITY charging stations along their route.
  • Route optimization : The planner optimizes the route based on the stops needed to recharge.
  • Estimation of autonomy : The tool provides an estimate of the remaining battery life taking into account planned charging stops.
  • Real-time updates : In the development phase, it is hoped that the final version will include real-time updates on the availability of terminals.

Comparison with Competitors

#PUMP, @Chargemap and @RouteBetter are some of the biggest names in EV route planners. To determine if IONITY can truly compete, let’s compare some of their features:

  • Bump: Known for its extensive database of independent charging stations.
  • Loadmap : Offers an application with interactive maps and the possibility for users to report the availability of terminals.
  • Better route planner : Stands out for its advanced algorithms that optimize routes taking into account traffic conditions in real time.

IONITY seems to focus on simplicity and ease of use. Although this is still in the beta phase, integrating a real-time solution could be a major point of differentiation.

Why Is This Important?

With the increase in sales of electric vehicles around the world, the convenience charging is a major concern for consumers. A* reliable route planner and accurate can make EV adoption much more attractive. This could mean less time spent planning charging stops and more time on the road.

Additionally, IONITY’s initiative to develop such a scheduler shows their commitment to improving fast charging infrastructure. This could encourage other companies to innovate and improve their own services so as not to fall behind.


So, could the IONITY route planner be the next big thing for electric vehicle drivers? As it stands, with its beta version, the potential is significant. However, it remains to be seen how it will develop compared to existing offerings in the market.

Let’s just wait for the final versions and user feedback to confirm whether this planner will become an essential tool for EV users. In the meantime, it’s encouraging to see companies like IONITY investing in solutions that make life easier for EV drivers.

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