Interview with Dr. Ing. Mouaad Boulakhbar: The future of mobility

Tesla Magazine had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Ing. Mouaad Boulakhbar, expert in electric mobility and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. With more than five years of experience in the field, Dr. Boulakhbar brings a clear and passionate vision on the future of electromobility. Discover his background, his current missions and his perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in this booming sector.

Q: Thank you very much for agreeing to this interview.

Dr. Eng. Mouaad Boulakhbar: With pleasure, there are no worries. I see that we are in the same field, so it is always a pleasure to interact with people like you.

Q: Could you introduce yourself and explain your main missions today?

Dr. Boulakhbar: Of course. My name is Mouaad Boulakhbar. I have an engineering degree in mechatronics, specialized in automobiles, and I completed a doctorate in energy in France, focused on electric mobility. I worked on the integration of electric vehicles and renewable energies into the electricity grid.

For more than six years, I have focused on electric mobility. I started my career in a state structure in Morocco, where I contributed to the implementation of the first network of charging stations. Then, I worked at Synergetics, a Moroccan company specializing in charging stations, where I was technical director. Currently, I am a project director at Mobilityplus, a large European company in the field of electric mobility.

My missions cover three main pillars: strategic, organizational and technical. On the strategic side, we support our clients in developing their electric mobility projects. Organizationally, we optimize energy performance and services. Technically, we design, finance, implement and support charging projects from A to Z.

Q: What do you see as the most important challenges for the adoption of electric mobility today?

Dr. Boulakhbar: The challenges are numerous and varied. First, there are technical challenges such as adapting charging infrastructures for the future, particularly with V2X (vehicle-to-everything). It is crucial that our current charging stations are compatible with these new standards.

Another major challenge is the power grid’s ability to handle mass adoption of electric vehicles. Take the example of France: ENEDIS must prepare for a significant increase in energy demand. V2X introduces harmonies into the network, which requires precise management to avoid overloads.

There is also an infrastructural challenge. We have a lot of electric vehicles, but the charging infrastructure doesn’t always keep up. For example, France is targeting five million electric vehicles by 2030, but how many terminals will be needed to meet this demand? The planning of these infrastructures must go hand in hand with the increase in vehicles.

Q: Regarding the profitability of charging station operators, what do you think?

Dr. Boulakhbar: There is strong competition between charging station operators, which is beneficial for the ecosystem. However, profitability largely depends on the taxes imposed on electricity. If taxes remain high, charging costs will not be able to fall significantly, which could slow the adoption of public charging compared to home charging.

Q: Have you identified services complementary to charging to improve the profitability of stations?

Dr. Boulakhbar: Currently, there are no significant additional services that improve the profitability of charging stations. However, there is a growing need for standards and regulations to ensure the quality and reliability of charging stations. Many terminals on the market do not meet the necessary standards, which poses communication, charging and maintenance problems.

Q: Any final words to conclude?

Dr. Boulakhbar: It is essential to continue to innovate and regulate the charging infrastructure market to support the transition to sustainable electric mobility. The challenges are many, but with strategic planning and proper regulations, we can turn these challenges into opportunities for a cleaner, more efficient future.

Dr. Eng. Mouaad Boulakhbar embodies the future of electromobility with his clear vision and his unwavering commitment to a better world.

At the house of Tesla Magazinewe warmly thank Dr. Boulakhbar for his time and valuable insights.

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