Installation of Solar Panels in Corsica, what you need to know with Pascal-Olivier Bombardi

In a context of continued rise in energy prices and increased awareness of environmental impact, more and more French people are considering installing solar panels. However, the transition to renewable energy raises many questions, ranging from initial costs to long-term benefits. To clarify these points, we had the opportunity to interview Pascal-Olivier Bombardi, an expert in the photovoltaic sector in Corsica, who recently founded his own specialized company.

Key points :

  • Reduction of Energy Costs : The installation of solar panels helps stabilize and reduce energy costs in the long term.
  • Long Term Warranty : Solar panels and microinverters are guaranteed for a period of 25 to 30 years.
  • Profitability : Photovoltaic installations can generate significant income, both for individuals and professionals.
  • Environmental impact : The use of solar energy contributes to reducing the carbon footprint, especially in regions dependent on fossil fuels.
  • Electric Mobility : Charging stations for electric vehicles, combined with photovoltaic installations, offer additional savings and marketing appeal for professionals.

In a context of continued rise in energy prices and increased awareness of environmental impact, more and more French people are considering installing solar panels. However, the transition to renewable energy raises many questions, ranging from initial costs to long-term benefits. To clarify these points, we had the opportunity to interview Pascal-Olivier Bombardi, an expert in the photovoltaic sector in Corsica, who recently founded his own specialized company.

Interview with Pascal-Olivier Bombardi, President of Helios Energetica

Armand Taïeb: Can you tell us about your background and the missions of your company?

Pascal-Olivier Bombardi: Of course. I am 29 years old and after a traditional school career, with a professional baccalaureate, I continued my studies until obtaining a master’s degree. I first worked in the public service, then in the private sector, particularly in the field of economics for three years where I managed the Corsica sector. Three months ago, I launched my own company in Corsica, specializing in self-consumption solutions and total resale of photovoltaic electricity, both for individuals and for professionals, including farmers. We also offer charging stations for electric vehicles, which we recommend installing with photovoltaic systems to reduce the carbon footprint, particularly in Corsica where the majority of energy is produced from fossil sources.

AT: Are charging stations a complementary activity for you?

POB: Indeed, our core business is twofold: photovoltaics and charging stations. We install direct current charging stations for large installations. For smaller installations, such as in private homes, we often combine them with photovoltaic systems.

AT: How do you convince your customers to equip themselves with solar panels despite bill increases and economic uncertainties?

POB: In Corsica, we have preferential purchase rates for electricity produced by photovoltaic installations. Installing a photovoltaic plant allows our customers to stabilize their energy costs, as they make a one-time investment for guaranteed production over 25 to 30 years, which is advantageous compared to annual increases in energy prices.

AT: What are the main objections of your customers regarding photovoltaic installations?

POB: The main objection concerns guarantees. To reassure our customers, we guarantee our equipment – ​​solar panels and microinverters – for at least 25 years, which ensures that the installations will remain functional over this period.

AT: Can a farmer expect to make money from your solar panels?

POB: Absolutely. For self-consumption, he can use his electricity production and sell the surplus to EDF, or opt for a total resale of his production. For example, a 9 kW installation covering 41 m² of roof can bring in up to 250 euros per month. For larger installations, such as agricultural sheds of 1,000 m², earnings can reach 3,500 euros per month.

AT: Is electric mobility a growing subject among your customers?

POB: Yes, especially among individuals and professionals such as hoteliers. For individuals who already own an electric vehicle, installing a solar charging station allows additional savings. Hoteliers, for their part, see this as a strong marketing argument, attracting customers sensitive to renewable energies.

AT: Do you have difficulty recruiting in the current market?

POB: We are actively looking for profiles, particularly on a work-study basis, for sizing and installation positions. We work with the local university to find candidates at BTS and BAC+3 level.

AT: What do you think of the French regulatory framework for the development of photovoltaics?

POB: The regulatory framework is moving in the right direction, although development still needs to be accelerated. The restrictions of the ABF (Architectes des Bâtiments de France) have eased in certain sectors, which is encouraging.

AT: What equipment do you mainly work with?

POB: We favor European materials, and in particular French. For the charging stations, we collaborate with Born Plus, and for the panels, we work with Dual Sun and Voltex Solar, who manufacture their panels in France.


Installing solar panels has many advantages, both economic and environmental. Thanks to technological advances and preferential pricing conditions, it is an increasingly profitable investment. With long-term guarantees and solutions tailored to specific customer needs, solar energy is a promising option for a sustainable future.

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