Improvements Suggested by Tesla Owners

Dear Elon Musk and the Tesla team,

At Tesla Mag, we wanted to formalize feedback. We receive daily testimonials of satisfaction as well as constructive suggestions aimed at further improving the Tesla user experience. Today, we have compiled several feedback from owners who want to share their experiences and suggestions with you. To respect their privacy, we have anonymized their testimonies while retaining the essence of their words. Our approach aims to provide you with relevant feedback to improve the functionality of your vehicles and meet the expectations of your loyal customers.

Capacitive steering wheel and amenities

Message from an owner:

“It would be good to put a capacitive steering wheel because in a straight line it’s a bit annoying all these reminders that you need your hands on the steering wheel while they are there! And I think it was a mistake to have removed the controls. I have friends who tell me they no longer use turn signals in roundabouts because of this. And to maneuver it is not very practical to move forward/backward several times by touching the screen. »


  • Integration of a capacitive steering wheel to reduce reminders to keep your hands on the wheel.
  • Reintroduction of controls for more intuitive use of indicators and easier maneuvering.

Sentry mode

Message from an owner:

” Good morning. I am contacting you about sentinel mode which is much too sensitive to insects. It’s unbearable. The slightest mosquito or gnat and it rings. We had a problem on a Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. in a tourist area where our car started to ring at the foot of a building. Many similar situations have occurred. This is the only negative point (along with phantom braking on the highway) that gives us a problem. Otherwise it’s an incredible car. »


  • Adjusting the sensitivity of the sentinel mode to avoid triggering by insects.
  • Improved algorithms to reduce phantom braking on highways.

Vehicle trade-in assessment

Message from an owner:

“I bought a Tesla performance model 3 in July 2022 for €68,500. Today, after 77,000 km, I would like to purchase the new 3 performance model. Tesla takes back my vehicle for €28,500. Find the error? »


Cruise control and autonomy

Message from an owner:

“I am very disappointed by the cruise control of my Tesla Y. Either you use the speed limit to select the speed but very often the speed displayed is wrong, or you reach the desired speed depending on the actual limit, we select it then we adjust it with the wheel, ok, but as soon as we release the limiter, it does not resume the previously selected speed like on other brands of vehicle that I have driven. Also, it seems that the autonomy can be increased. At 130km/h on the motorway, the range observed is only 250km with 12% reserve, largely insufficient compared to the 455km announced. »


  • Improved cruise control so that it automatically returns to the previously selected speed.
  • Increase in the real autonomy of vehicles, especially at highway speeds, to get closer to the announced figures.

Auto Park and Security

Message from an owner:

“In autopilot mode, our attention is required by the message on the screen and reduces our attention to the road. I have been waiting for over a year for the Auto Park feature with no news of a delivery date. »


  • Minimize distractions caused by on-screen messages by autopilot mode.
  • Provide regular updates and clear timelines for Auto Park functionality and other expected features.

We hope you find this feedback helpful and we are confident that these improvements will make Tesla an even more exceptional brand. We remain at your disposal for any discussion or clarification regarding these points.



Methodology :

To produce this open letter, we compiled feedback from several Tesla owners who shared their experiences and suggestions with us. To preserve their anonymity, we have removed all personal and identifiable information from their messages. We then synthesized the main points of their feedback to present them to you in a clear and constructive manner. This approach allows us to respect the privacy of our contributors while providing you with feedback that is authentic and representative of the Tesla Mag community.

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