Impressive video that shows the size of the starship compared to a man

Before launch number 4 of the Starship rocket, we wanted to show you this video. The development of aerospace rockets has reached a new milestone with the arrival of the rocket SpaceX Starship. This colossal technological marvel is not only a step forward for space exploration, but also a true giant when compared to human size. This article explores the impressive size of the Starship rocket and explains some of the important technical terms to give you a complete understanding of this engineering feat.

The incredible size of Starship

The Starship rocket is approximately 120 meters tall, making it infinitely larger than most buildings. To put this into perspective, imagine an average-sized person around 1.75 meters tall standing next to this rocket. The difference in scale is simply astonishing. The vision of this comparison reminds us how much our technologies can exceed our own human scale.

Starship rocket components

The Starship rocket consists of two main parts: the Starship spacecraft itself and the Super Heavy booster. The Super Heavy booster is responsible for providing the enormous thrust needed to pass through the dense layers of Earth’s atmosphere. Once this task is accomplished, the Starship spacecraft continues its journey to orbit or beyond.


The Starship spacecraft is designed to be reusable, a revolutionary concept that significantly reduces the costs of space missions. It is capable of carrying up to 100 passengers and a large amount of cargo, making it ideal for expeditions to Mars or other far-flung destinations.

Super Heavy

The Super Heavy booster alone is approximately 70 meters tall and is equipped with multiple Raptor engines, each capable of generating immense thrust. This booster is essential to propel the entire structure outside of Earth’s gravitational pull.

A major technological advance

The development of the Starship rocket represents a major advancement not only in capacity and size, but also in reusable technology. Previous missions often required new components for each launch, significantly increasing costs and waste. With Starship and Super Heavy, SpaceX seeks to create a more sustainable and economical model for space travel.

The benefits of impressive size

The massive size of the rocket has several advantages. First, it allows it to carry more fuel, passengers and cargo, which is crucial for long-duration space missions. Second, the large payload capacity opens the way to commercial opportunities, such as launching satellites, delivering cargo to the International Space Station (ISS), and eventually, space tourism.


Comparing the Starship rocket to a human highlights not only the ingenuity and daring of SpaceX engineers, but also the impressive capabilities of this machine. This perspective provides insight into what the future of space travel might hold, and why it is crucial to understand and support such innovations.

Ultimately, the colossal size of the Starship rocket symbolizes a new chapter in the history of space exploration, and perhaps even a new era for humanity, where space becomes accessible not only to scientists, but also for citizens around the world.

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