Here is the most important tip for an electric vehicle owner

Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a revolution in the automotive world, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to internal combustion cars. However, to get the most out of your EV and extend its lifespan, it is essential to understand how to maintain it. In this article, we’ll reveal the most important tip for any electric vehicle owner, as well as other essential tips for keeping your EV in tip-top shape.

The most important tip: Battery management

Optimize your battery charge

The battery is the heart of your electric vehicle. To maximize its longevity, it is crucial to manage its load correctly. Here are some essential recommendations:

  1. Avoid frequent full charges : Although your EV can be charged to 100%, it is best to limit it to 80-90% for daily use. Charging to full capacity on a regular basis can shorten battery life.
  2. Do not leave the battery completely discharged : Avoid letting your EV battery completely discharge. Try to keep the charge level above 20%.
  3. Use appropriate charging sessions : Do not start charging your EV immediately after using it, and do not start driving it immediately after charging it. Wait at least 15 minutes between these sessions to avoid stressing the battery.

Maintain optimal temperature

EV batteries are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Make sure your vehicle has an adequate cooling system and avoid exposing it to very high or low temperatures for long periods of time.

Other maintenance tips for your electric vehicle

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations

Each electric vehicle has its own specifics and maintenance requirements. It is therefore essential to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding maintenance. This includes regular checks of the suspension, cabin filters, wiper blades and washer fluid levels.

Check external components

Although EVs require less maintenance than internal combustion vehicles, some external components should still be checked regularly:

  • Brakes : Regenerative braking systems reduce wear on brake pads, but it is still important to check them periodically.
  • Tires : Maintain correct tire pressure and monitor tire wear.
  • Chains and fluids (for two-wheelers) : For two-wheeled EVs, check the condition of the chains and brake fluid levels regularly.

Schedule regular services

Even if your EV does not require as frequent maintenance as traditional vehicles, it is recommended to have internal components checked every 20,000 to 30,000 miles. This includes checking motors, internal connections and electrical systems to ensure they are operating at their optimal capacity.


The key to getting the most out of your electric vehicle is to manage your battery charge properly and follow a regular maintenance schedule. By following these tips, you can not only extend the life of your EV, but also optimize its performance and ensure safe driving. Adopting these best practices will allow you to take full advantage of the benefits offered by electric vehicles, while contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

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