Here are the Highlights of Elon Musk’s Interview at Vivatech

Elon Musk’s interview at Vivatech was a landmark event, full of thoughts and revelations on various topics ranging from artificial intelligence to space exploration. Here are the pieces chosen by the Tesla Mag editorial staff.

Honesty is the best policy with AI

Elon Musk has stressed the importance of transparency and honesty in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). According to him, truth must be at the heart of AI to avoid the biases and distortions often introduced by political correctness. He stated :

“It is important that AI is trained to be truthful and not to be politically correct. Political correctness is often just not true, which means you are programming the AI ​​to lie and I think it will backfire very badly. Honesty is the best policy.”

Musk criticized the media for its penchant for maximizing clicks rather than seeking the truth. He described the media as a click machine, not a truth machine:

“The crazier the title, the more clicks it will get. The media is a click-maximizing machine, not a truth-maximizing machine.”

Opposition to tariffs and incentives

True to his reputation as an iconoclastic thinker, Musk has expressed his opposition to tariffs and incentives, whether for electric vehicles or for the oil and gas industries:

“I support no tariffs and no incentives for electric vehicles or for oil and gas.”

In a humorous exchange, Musk embraced conspiracy theories about his extraterrestrial origins:

“Some people believe you are an alien.”
“I am an alien.”
“Now you have been exposed.”
“Yeah, I always tell people I’m an alien but no one believes me.”

Impact of social networks on children

Musk also addressed the effects of social media on young people, urging parents to limit their children’s exposure:

“I encourage parents to limit the amount of social media that children can see because it is programmed by dopamine-maximizing AI.”

Hopes and fears: Mars and AI

Elon Musk concluded by sharing his deepest aspirations and concerns:

“My greatest hope is Mars. My biggest fear is AI.”

Elon Musk’s interview at Vivatech once again highlighted his visionary spirit and uncompromising approach to technological and social challenges. His statements, although sometimes polemical, encourage reflection and discussion on questions crucial to the future of humanity.

Congratulations to the Publicis teams and Maurice Lévy

We would like to warmly congratulate the Publicis and Maurice Lévy teams for the impeccable organization of Vivatech. Through their commitment and vision, this event continues to bring together the greatest minds in the technology world, creating a much-needed platform for innovation and progress.

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