Fisker in Crisis: Implications of an Imminent Bankruptcy and Repercussions of a Scathing Review

Fisker Inc., the American electric vehicle manufacturer, is navigating troubled waters. Facing increasing financial difficulties, the company has recently sought the help of restructuring advisors to assess its options, including a possible bankruptcy. This situation is exacerbated by a series of operational challenges and a public reception that is becoming increasingly skeptical, especially following the scathing review of its flagship model, the SUV Ocean, by famous YouTuber Marques Brownlee.

Brownlee, known for his thorough tech reviews, labeled the Ocean as “the worst car he has ever reviewed,” pointing out various software problems, from warning lights that came on multiple times to issues with the car’s key fob. His video garnered over 4.3 million views, spreading a negative image of Fisker at a critical point in its existence. Fisker’s awkward response, attempting to contact Brownlee for a software update afterward, only added to the controversy, garnering even more attention on social media.

Fisker’s Response: Between Software Update and Communication Crisis

Following the media storm, Fisker announced the rollout of a significant software update, aiming to address several of the issues highlighted by Brownlee. However, the way Fisker handled this situation reveals significant gaps in its communication and crisis management strategy. The TikTok video by George Saliba, exposing the exchange with a Fisker engineer, has reached over 3.4 million views, highlighting a clumsy attempt at damage control that may have done more harm than good to Fisker’s reputation.

Steps Toward Potential Bankruptcy

Fisker Inc. is facing an alarming financial situation, to the extent of having engaged restructuring attorneys and financial consultants to explore its options, including a potential bankruptcy. This move not only indicates the severity of the crisis the company is going through but also highlights uncertainties about its ability to continue operations in the long term. Despite a significant increase in vehicle deliveries, doubts persist regarding Fisker’s financial viability, exacerbated by recent critiques of its product quality.

A Precipitous Drop in Stock Value

The loss of stock value of Fisker is another indicator of the deep crisis the company faces. Following announcements regarding its financial difficulties and the viral critique of its Ocean model, Fisker’s stock suffered a dramatic fall, losing nearly 45% of its value in after-hours trading. This sudden devaluation reflects the loss of investor confidence and could further complicate Fisker’s efforts to recover financially and operationally.

Long-term Challenges for Fisker and the Industry

The entire sequence of events raises questions about Fisker’s long-term viability and the challenges that electric vehicle startups must face. Reputation management and customer satisfaction are crucial in an industry as competitive and rapidly evolving as the electric vehicle market. Fisker must not only overcome its financial difficulties but also restore consumer and investor confidence by proving its ability to respond proactively and positively to criticism.


Fisker Inc. finds itself at a crossroads, with pressing financial challenges, a damaged reputation, and shaken investor confidence. The hiring of specialized lawyers and financial advisors to consider a potential bankruptcy, coupled with an alarming loss of stock value, underscores the urgency of the situation. Fisker’s future is uncertain.

To navigate these challenges, the company must not only address its immediate concerns but also rebuild its reputation and regain the trust of consumers and investors. The path to stabilization is fraught with obstacles, but it is essential for Fisker to aspire to play a significant role in the future of electric mobility. Fisker’s ability to weather these storms will define its future in a swiftly changing automotive sector.

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