Elon Musk Criticizes Apple-Chat DealGPT: Privacy in Danger

Elon Musk Severely Criticizes Agreement Between Apple and ChatGPT

Elon Musk, the famous entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, recently expressed his displeasure on X (formerly known as Twitter) regarding the collaboration between Apple and OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT. According to Musk, this agreement would compromise the security and privacy of Apple users.

Musk’s Statement

In his post, Musk said: “It is absolutely absurd that Apple is not smart enough to develop its own artificial intelligence, but is still able to guarantee that OpenAI will protect your security and privacy! Apple has no idea what actually happens once they transmit your data to OpenAI. They sell you on the soft. »

Security Implications

Musk’s comments raise important questions about the security implications of this collaboration. When he says Apple is “soft-selling you,” he’s using a strong metaphor to illustrate the idea that the company could compromise its users’ privacy by sharing their data with a third party.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. Unlike voice assistants like Siri, ChatGPT is designed to generate coherent, contextually relevant text from user-provided input. Although it is a powerful tool, it has raised privacy and security concerns due to the massive amount of user data it processes.

Apple’s Role

As a self-proclaimed defender of user privacy, Apple has a reputation to uphold. The company has often highlighted its robust security measures and data protection policy as comparative selling points. This begs the question: why would Apple choose to partner with OpenAI, a decision that seems to contradict their own principles?

Chain Reactions

Musk’s statement resonated widely on social media, sparking various reactions. Some netizens expressed agreement with Musk, pointing out potential privacy risks. Others defended Apple, saying the company likely took steps to secure the partnership.

SEO and Privacy

In an increasingly digital world, data privacy is a major concern not only for users but also for businesses. Indeed, public perception of data security can have a significant impact on brand reputation and SEO (search engine optimization) rankings. A major security incident could result in decreased organic traffic and negative search rankings for a business.

Understanding ‘Patently Absurd’ and ‘Selling You Down the River’

For non-English speakers, two expressions used by Musk deserve explanation. “Patently absurd” means “patently absurd,” indicating that something is obviously false or ridiculous. “Selling you down the river” is an idiom meaning to betray someone, usually for personal gain. In using these terms, Musk intentionally chose strong language to emphasize his message.


It remains to be seen how Apple and OpenAI will address the concerns raised by Musk. However, this situation highlights a broader debate about how tech companies manage and protect user data. Ultimately, trust remains a crucial element in the relationship between businesses and their customers, and maintaining this trust will require constant vigilance around data security and privacy.

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