A new report demonstrates its effectiveness

In a recent statement on social media, Dan Priestley, Senior Manager at Tesla, shared groundbreaking information about the Tesla Semi. Here’s what you need to know about this electric truck that’s redefining industry standards.

A Revolutionary Empty Weight

Empty weight (tare weight), that is to say the weight without load or passengers, of the new trucks Tesla Semi was confirmed at 20,000 lbs (approximately 9,072 kg) for a range of 500 miles (approximately 800 kilometers) and at 23,000 lbs (approximately 10,433 kg) for a range of 800 miles (approximately 1,280 kilometers). These numbers have been deemed impossible by skeptics, but Tesla has once again proven that they can do the impossible.

Megarecharge technology

One of the essential points of the superiority of the Tesla Semi is the implementation of the megacharging. In other words, ultra-fast charging stations are already operational in the field today. This technology significantly reduces the time needed to recharge batteries, making long-distance journeys more feasible for electric trucks.

Thousands of Kilometers Already Traveled

To date, the Tesla Semi fleet has traveled more than 3.5 million miles (approximately 5.6 million kilometers). These numbers only increase the credibility and reliability of these electric trucks in the market.

Ton-MPG efficiency

The fuel efficiency of Tesla Semi trucks is also impressive. The yield in ton-MPG (MPG, or miles per gallon, relative to weight in tons) is much better than that of diesel trucks, with figures varying between 250 and 330 MPG. This means that for the same amount of energy, Tesla trucks can cover a much greater distance per ton compared to their diesel counterparts.

Fleet Consumption and Availability

Across the fleet, average consumption is 1.7 kWh/mi, demonstrating exceptional energy efficiency. Additionally, the availability rate is over 95%, meaning that over 95% of the fleet is operational at any time.

Future Production and Expansion

Giga Nevada, one of Tesla’s factories, will be fully operational for the production of 50,000 trucks per year by 2026. With this capacity increase, Tesla is preparing to meet growing demand for these revolutionary electric trucks.

In 2024, Tesla plans to invest half a billion dollars to expand its network of Superchargers Across the country. This investment will not only help improve charging infrastructure but also facilitate the mass adoption of electric vehicles.

In summary, the Tesla Semi is undeniably a superior product compared to traditional diesel trucks. With incredible advances in weight, fuel efficiency and fast charging technology, it is redefining the standards of the road transport industry. The coming years look promising for Tesla and the future of electric vehicles.

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